Punjab School‘s Reorganisation Programme Gets Green Light from CM Maryam

News Desk3 months ago

The Punjab chief minister, presiding over a meeting here, announced that a goal of building and renovating 1,000 government school grounds in six months had been set.

She gave the order for government schools to hold weekly and monthly tournaments. She oversaw a thorough mapping of Punjabi schools to identify their requirements and infrastructure.
In addition, she demanded that a strategy be put in place to regularize 14,000 Punjabi SSEs and AEOs (Assistant Education Officers).

The chief minister also gave his approval to the start of the Green School Program, which entails digital mapping of the flora and the planting of at least one sapling by each student.

The Punjab School Nutrition Program’s pilot project in Rajanpur, Layyah, and Bhakkar is set to commence, as informed to Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz.

We also looked at ideas for introducing character-building and spoken English programs in government schools. She gave the relevant authorities instructions to reopen 603 Punjabi schools that were not operating.

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Maryam also gave instructions to give provincial assembly members responsibilities related to school surveillance. Additionally, a summary on how to make e-transfer simple and practical for educators was taken.

The chief minister of Punjab promised to guarantee the establishment of 12 technological courses at the matriculation level. She also committed to ensuring the efficacy and functionality of school management councils.

She also mentioned that it will be affordable to build an IT lab, a classroom, and an SMC. In government schools, an agreement was also reached on teacher meetings and the quarterly student report card.

In order to modernize the educational system, CM Maryam was instructed to provide instructions for creating a comprehensive policy on school education. She also looked at the availability of tech, art, and virtual reality rooms, among other contemporary amenities, in government schools.

During the conference, it was resolved to combine Punjab Curriculum and Textbook Board, Quaid-e-Azam Academy of Educational Development, and Punjab Examination Commission to form Punjab Education Curriculum, Training, and Assessment Authority (PECTAA).

The CM stated that a systemic reward and punishment system is necessary for progress and that inadequate funding for education will not be accepted. She emphasized that each district will build an early childhood education center of excellence.

The Education Minister, Rana Sikandar Hayat, gave a thorough briefing on the Education Restructuring Program to the assembled group. According to him, the district school monitoring system is used for the monitoring procedure. He informed that all 200,000 out-of-school youth are enrolled in classes at 6,000 literacy facilities spread throughout 12 districts.

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