Is Technology a Friend or a Foe?

News Desk6 months ago

I’m so happy that I didn’t raise my kids in the days of cell phones, laptops that schools provided, tablets, Instagram, Facebook, and Snap Chat. The parents of today are the first generation to raise children in a society where technology is pervasive. Teaching kids to navigate in a world where digital influences affect almost every part of life, either positively or badly, is a modern parenting challenge.

Consequences of Spending too Much Time on Screens

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, a typical youngster uses electronics (such as computers, phones, televisions, and other gadgets) for seven hours a day on average. Overindulgence in screens is linked to obesity, sleep issues, poor academic performance, negative body image, and dangerous conduct. As kids utilize more technology, there is a rise in the number of cases of anxiety, depression, and other psychological illnesses. Adolescents that use social media intensively also exhibit higher levels of mania, antisocial behavior, and egotistical and violent tendencies.

After reading these facts, parents may decide that it’s preferable to remove all electronics from their kids’ life. But vaccination seems to be the healthier option rather than elimination. When technology use is balanced, young individuals are created who are capable of thriving in a culture that heavily depends on technology.

Setting Up Screen Time Boundaries

Reduce screen time for younger than 18 months to video chatting.
Toddlers learn best when they are using high-quality programs or apps, so between the ages of 18 and 24 months, do this with them.
Ages two to five: restrict screen time to one hour of excellent programming each day; co-view with kids to help them comprehend what they are watching.

Six years old and beyond: impose regular restrictions on the amount of time and media kinds they are allowed to view; Make careful that media does not replace restful sleep, exercise, or other health-promoting habits.
Set aside time for media use together during mealtimes and while driving. -free areas of the house, like bedrooms.
Maintain constant communication regarding safety and good online behavior, such as respecting others when they’re on the internet and


From an early age, have regular conversations with your child on responsible use of technology. Create an environment where your child feels comfortable talking to you about whatever they come across on technology so that you can talk to them about it when (not if) an issue arises. Speaking and listening are both necessary in dialogue. At least five parents should be speaking to one child for every one that listens. This practically means that for every minute you spend talking, you should listen for at least five minutes (which calls for thoughtful questioning during the conversation).

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Obtain Passwords

It is your responsibility as a parent to monitor what your child posts and who they interact with on social media. When kids physically leave the house, parents should find out where they are going and who they are going with. They should exercise the same vigilance when kids “leave the house” on social media. As kids start using social media, spending time with them on social media and going over their postings as well as the posts of their “friends” offers educational opportunities on proper online behavior.

If we teach our kids the same healthy interaction techniques we use, technology will only serve to improve both our lives and theirs.

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