PMD Forecasts Intense Rainfall Across Pakistan, Why is It Necessary?

News Desk5 months ago

Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) has issued a forecast for varying intensities of rainfall across Islamabad and several regions of Pakistan for Thursday evening and night. The synoptic situation indicates the prevalence of continental air over most parts of the country.

A shallow westerly wave is expected to affect the upper regions of Pakistan, resulting in predominantly very cold and partly cloudy weather across most areas on Thursday evening, Friday, and Saturday.

Weather Outlook

  • Light rain accompanied by light snowfall over mountains is anticipated in Islamabad, the Potohar region, and isolated areas in Kashmir, Gilgit-Baltistan, and upper Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
  • Dense fog and smog are likely to persist in Islamabad, the plain areas of Punjab, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, and upper Sindh, contributing to very cold conditions in these areas.
  • Islamabad’s minimum temperature is projected to range between 01-03 degrees Celsius on Friday and 02-04 C on Saturday.

Recent Weather Conditions

During the last 24 hours, foggy weather and a cold wave persisted in Islamabad and various parts of Pakistan. Northern areas and north Balochistan experienced freezing temperatures, with Skardu recording the lowest temperature in the country at 10 C below freezing. In Islamabad, the minimum temperature dipped to 01 C, with relative humidity reaching 92 percent during the evening.

Also Read: Frostbite or Cold Injury, a Common but Fatal Disease

Impact on Transportation

The prevalence of dense fog and smog has led to the closure of motorways and disrupted traffic on the National Highway and other inter and intra-city roads, causing inconvenience to commuters.

The PMD advises residents to stay updated with weather forecasts and take necessary precautions to ensure safety during these weather conditions.

Why Everyone is Waiting Rain?

With winter dryness on the rise, the people of Islamabad are eagerly awaiting the forecasted rainfall in hopes of finding relief from the harsh weather conditions. The prolonged dry spell has not only made life uncomfortable but has also raised concerns about various health issues, particularly those exacerbated by the persistent smog and fog.

Growing Health Concerns

The prolonged exposure to dense fog and smog in Islamabad and surrounding areas has become a cause for concern among health officials. The combination of low temperatures and high levels of air pollution poses significant health risks, especially for vulnerable groups such as children, the elderly, and individuals with pre-existing respiratory conditions.

Instances of respiratory illnesses, allergies, and related health issues are on the rise, prompting authorities to advise residents to take necessary precautions and limit outdoor activities.

Daily Life Disruptions

The adverse weather conditions have not only impacted health but have also disrupted daily life in Islamabad and parts of Pakistan. Reduced visibility due to dense fog and smog has led to transportation disruptions, resulting in delays and cancellations in road and air travel.

The closure of motorways and disruptions in traffic on major highways have added to the challenges faced by commuters, making the already difficult winter season even more inconvenient.

Previously: Expect Fog in Islamabad and Key Cities Over the Next 24 Hours

Environmental Concerns

In addition to immediate health and transportation concerns, the persistent smog and fog have raised environmental alarms. The poor air quality, stemming from industrial emissions, vehicular pollution, and agricultural residue burning, has contributed to the thick blanket of smog enveloping the region.

Environmentalists stress the need for sustainable measures to mitigate air pollution and address the underlying factors exacerbating the situation.

Action Needed

With the forecasted rainfall expected to provide temporary relief from the dry and cold weather, authorities stress the importance of preparedness. Residents are encouraged to stay informed about weather updates, follow safety guidelines during the rainfall, and take necessary precautions to mitigate risks associated with the changing weather patterns.

Additionally, efforts to raise awareness about air pollution control measures and promote sustainable practices are deemed crucial in addressing the long-term environmental and health challenges facing Islamabad and its residents.

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