Teen Vaping Epidemic Raises Alarms as a Public Health Crisis

A 2019 poll found that vaping among preteens and teenagers has reached a crisis stage, endangering years of public health initiatives that had reduced nicotine use. Parents ought to be worried because: Teens who vape are more likely to become addicted to nicotine. Children and teenagers who vape are exposed to hazardous chemicals and dangerous metals present in e-cigarettes. E-cigarette or vaping product use-associated lung damage (EVALI) is an enigmatic vaping-related ailment that is becoming...

Exploring Mental Health Conditions – Depression and Anxiety

Depression is more than just a bad day or a depressed mood. A prolonged period of sadness that prevents you from going about your daily activities normally could be an indication of depression. Depression symptoms include: Experiencing frequent or constant sadness or anxiety Not wanting to engage in once fun activities. Being easily agitated, irritated, or restless. Having difficulty getting to sleep or remaining asleep Sleeping excessively or waking up too early Eating less or...

The Importance of Mental Health Awareness

Each year, mental diseases impact 13% of children, 46% of teenagers, and 19% of adults. It’s possible that someone you know, live next door, work in the cubicle next to you, teach your children, or sit in the same church pew as you are experiencing mental health issues. But only 50% of those impacted receive treatment, frequently as a result of the stigma around mental health. If left untreated, mental illness can lead to increased...

Meet Dr. Afsheen Bilal: Your Trusted Dermatologist in Islamabad

Dr. Afsheen Bilal is a well-known Dermatologist serving the community of Islamabad with dedication and expertise. Emphasizing the delivery of outstanding healthcare services, Dr. Afsheen Bilal has built a reputation for providing personalized and effective treatments to her patients. Getting to Know Dr. Afsheen Bilal After dedicating over 12 years to serving in the Pakistan Army, Dr. Afsheen Bilal decided to pursue her passion for dermatology by starting her own practice in Islamabad. She brings...

Can’t Sleep due to Toothache? Tips for Getting Through the Night

Toothache is one of the most frequent causes of individuals calling doctors and dentists at odd hours for a private appointment. One day, a lawyer buddy was asked what kind of pain he was experiencing—bang, intermittent, continuous, needling, piercing, dull, or sharp—and he responded with a single word that had nothing to do with the question. All he stated was that it was “dementing” agony. As a result, a large number of patients either never...

Slim Down with Harvard’s Top Exercise Picks for Weight Loss

Are you attempting to reduce your weight? If the response is affirmative, you should focus on two things: nutrition and physical activity. We won’t delve into diet, but these are the workouts that Harvard University recommends doing to get in shape. Physical activity: More than skin deep In addition to helping you lose weight, Harvard notes that frequent participation in these workouts can enhance your mood, strengthen your immune system, and reduce your chances of...

Unhealthy Surprises: Everyday Foods that Hurt Your Body

It’s possible that you eat them every day without realizing how harmful they are. Many of these items are certainly in your cupboard or refrigerator, but if you don’t eat them right, they might be poisonous! Strawberries Strawberries top the list of fruits and vegetables with the highest pesticide content, according to EWG’s Dirty DozenTM list. Twenty-two distinct pesticide residues were found in a single sample analysis, and at least ten hazardous compounds were found...

7 Things That Happen While We Sleep

Although sleep is so wonderful and important, a lot happens beneath the covers. You may have “exploding head,” paralysis, falling, or talking while you sleep. Additionally, your significant other may have to tolerate heavy snoring, teeth grinding, moaning, and unwelcome approaches. Sleepwalking A behavior condition that occurs during deep sleep, sleepwalking is more common in young children than in adults. Lack of sleep, sedatives (such as alcohol), feverish conditions, and certain drugs are among its...

5 Indicators of Excessive Sugar Consumption

Sugar not only improves taste and texture in baked items, but it also helps preserve sauces, dressings, and jellies. Although it might be challenging to abstain from sugar, too much of it can be detrimental to your health. 1. Frequent Cavities Do you enjoy sweet meals, candies, and fruit juice a lot? If so, your chances of getting cavities are higher than those of the general population. Sugar is a food source for certain naturally...

President Alvi OKs Cannabis Regulation Ordinance

President Arif Alvi of Pakistan has given approval for the enactment of the Cannabis Control and Regulatory Authority Ordinance 2024, aimed at overseeing the cultivation, extraction, refining, manufacturing, and sale of cannabis derivatives for medical and industrial purposes. Under this ordinance, titled the Cannabis Control and Regulatory Authority Ordinance 2024, Pakistan, as a signatory to the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961, acknowledges the need for government agencies to regulate the cultivation and production of...