DG ISPR Asserts: Constitution Demands Accountability for May 9 Perpetrators

News Desk4 months ago

The army spokesperson stated there is undeniable evidence of the May 9 riots during a press conference in Rawalpindi. The CCTV cameras captured the attacks on the army’s installations that transpired on May 9 within a few hours.

There are additional videos available showing political leaders giving orders to the rioters on May 9.

Read more:ISPR Reports Four Terrorists Killed in North Waziristan IBO

The purpose of the May 9 riots was to drive a wedge between the people and the Pakistani military. He said that a group attempted to mislead the public by conducting a “False Flag Operation.”

In response to a query on the judicial panel, the DG ISPR stated that the commission was established to look into matters where there is uncertainty. He went on, “Everything about the May 9 riots is crystal clear.”

Maj Gen Chaudhry stated: “No talks will be held with any political leader, or group which attacks its own army and indulges in propaganda [against them]” in reference to the likelihood of communication with any faction.

The “only way forward for the anarchists [group] is to sincerely apologize, give up the politics of hate, and engage in constructive politics [instead],” he said, noting that “there can be no dialogue with an anarchist group.”

The army spokesperson stated, “Talks are for political parties, not institutions.”

In response to a different query, DG ISPR stated that the party received only 31% of the vote in the elections held on February 8. Additionally, he denied the notion that party supporters supported the May 9 attacks during the general elections.

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