Sher Afzal Marwat Faces PTI’s Show-Cause Notice for Alleged Violations

News Desk2 months ago

According to specifics, PTI Secretary General Omar Ayub Khan sent out the warning, which demanded that Marwat retract his remarks—which were thought to be detrimental to the party’s standing—within three days.

According to the notice, Imran Khan, the party’s founder, has made it plain that such remarks are against party discipline and go against his clear instructions. He has also stressed the significance of acting responsibly.

Marwat was informed that more disciplinary action might be taken if she didn’t reply or give a convincing justification.

Read more:PTI Founder Authorizes Candidates for Senate Elections

Prior to Waqas Akram’s recent election to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) chairman position, Sher Afzal Marwat had also been kicked out of the party’s political committee.

Marwat, who had harshly criticized his party comrades, was also kicked off of the PTI’s WhatsApp group, according to sources who spoke with ARY News.

Previous to this, it was claimed that PTI founder Imran Khan, who is being held in Adiala Jail, had refused to meet party leader Sher Afzal Marwat because of his “irresponsible behaviour.”

According to additional sources, Marwat’s remarks about Saudi Arabia’s role in toppling the PTI administration and his meeting with Defense Minister Khawaja Asif are what Imran Khan finds offensive.

Marwat had earlier said that Omar Ayub and Shibli Faraz, two party associates, had prevented him from meeting with the PTI founder while he was incarcerated.

He said that Omar Ayub and Shibli Faraz, who were working with the jail administration, had blocked his meeting with the party’s founder. “The founder of the PTI wants to meet with me separately, the jail superintendent informed me,” Marwat stated.

“I am announcing as protest that I will not work with them,” he said. “I will come for protest when the PTI founder will entrust me the responsibility,” he added.

It is important to note that Sheikh Waqas Akram’s nomination to lead the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) was supported by the PTI political committee.

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