Shah Mehmood Qureshi’s Appeal Against Cipher Case Conviction put off by Islamabad High Court.

News Desk1 month ago

Chief Justice Aamer Farooq and Justice Mian Gul Hassan Aurangzeb, who make up the two-member IHC bench, returned the case to the prosecution, who informed the court that the cipher was not produced at the trial court because it was a classified document.

Which cipher’s information was twisted? The PTI founder insisted that he would have to bear the consequences if he is not removed from office as prime minister. Do you mean that the founder of PTI was correct in what he said? Prosecutor Gul Hasan Aurangzeb posed the question.

In response, FIA special prosecutor Hamid Ali Shah said, “Yes, the PTI founder is admitting it.”

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Chief Justice Aamer Farooq remarked that in a criminal case, the prosecution has to prove its case. “Even if the accused confesses the offence, the prosecution still has to prove it,” he added.

“The confession from the accused does not mean that the prosecution is discharged (from proving its claims). We have been tired of repeatedly asking what was in that sealed envelope. The cipher may consist of 100 pages or even one paragraph. We (IHC) do not know, the trial court does not know even the prosecution does not know (about the cipher’s text),” Chief Justice Amir Farooq.

The cipher was not shown in trial court, according to the FIA prosecutor, because it was a private document. Judge Gul Hasan Aurangzeb said that the documents may have been provided by removing any unnecessary witnesses from the courtroom at this point.

“Are confidential records not allowed to be shown in court? Was it forbidden by an institution’s head for the prosecution to exhibit it? Amir Farooq, Chief Justice, inquired.

The PTI founder also read aloud the Cipher’s content in front of representatives of foreign media outlets, the FIA special prosecutor informed the court.

Later, the hearing was adjourned to Wednesday.

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