MQM-P Schedules Meeting to Review and Discuss Budget Proposals.

News Desk1 month ago

According to sources who spoke with ARY News, the meeting’s main topic will be development plans for Hyderabad and Karachi. According to additional sources, MQM-P will make its recommendations for more financing for the cities, notably for law and order, health care, and education.

The budget for transportation and the Safe City project will also be discussed during the meeting; MQM-P is attempting to acquire more money for these projects.

Read more:Finding Ways to Work Together, MQM-P and PML-N

According to sources, former finance minister Sardar Ahmed has also been invited to the conference and will be sharing his opinions on the development plans and budget.

On June 7, the Pakistani government is expected to unveil the federal budget for the upcoming fiscal year 2024–25, which is projected to cost Rs 16,700 billion in total.

With one eye on the unstable economic climate and the other on the 24th “longer and larger” rescue program of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the government will publish the budget for 2024.

According to sources, the initial estimate for expenditures on interest and loans is Rs 9,700 billion, while the initial estimate for subsidies is Rs 1,500 billion.

Sources said that the estimate for tax revenue is over Rs 11,000 billion, with direct taxes expected to contribute Rs 5,300 billion and federal excise duty expected to contribute Rs 680 billion.

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