Last Day Of Campaigns

News Desk7 months ago

All election campaigns will come to an end tonight. This necessary cool-down period before election day will begin when the clock strikes midnight, sending in a time of reflection and expectation around the country.

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A top official from the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) spoke with Dawn about the upcoming end of the campaigning window in compliance with the country’s election legislation. He emphasized the seriousness of the sanctions, saying that offenders might face up to two years in prison.

Section 182 of the Elections Act of 2017 outlines the limits, stating that no public gathering or procession will be organized, conducted, or attended inside the constituency area for forty-eight hours prior to the completion of the ballot.

With the deadline nearing, political parties and candidates have stepped up their campaigns in recent days, visiting constituencies to interact with voters. From crowded rallies to private gatherings, politicians took advantage of every chance to relive accomplishments, outline ideas, and make pledges aimed at persuading voters.

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In the middle of the political chaos, the Election Management System (EMS) controversy was causing the ECP to struggle. Though Secretary Syed Asif Hussain and Project Director Col Saad had given assurances about the integrity and security of the system, worries persisted about possible weaknesses and outside interference.

In response to inquiries on possible system manipulation, Col. Saad said that access is restricted to a small group of individuals and that the system complies with international security regulations. Khizar Aziz, the DG of IT at ECP, reiterated the guarantees while highlighting innovations and extensive backups.

As election day approached, the ECP completed the massive task of delivering 260 million voting papers despite logistical problems and timing restrictions. Meanwhile, the spread of false stories about postal votes forced a correction from the electoral authorities, who urged caution against disinformation.

In conjunction with election preparations, the caretaker administration launched an internet portal to help media observers and journalists during the impending elections. The program, which has been praised for its accessibility and speed, seeks to simplify complaint handling and increase transparency throughout the voting process.

As the nation braces for the upcoming polls, the convergence of technological advancements and vigilant oversight underscores a collective commitment to ensuring free, fair, and transparent elections. With the moratorium approaching and preparations well advanced, Pakistan is well-positioned to start a path towards democratic expression and civic engagement.

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