PTI Urges Nationwide Protests Tomorrow, Alleging Election Rigging

News Desk7 months ago

Speaking to reporters following his meeting with the leadership of Jamat-e-Islami (JI) in Islamabad, PTI leader Asad Qaiser extended an invitation to all political parties that felt that the elections had been “rigged” to participate in the demonstration.

He stated, “The nation’s mandate was stolen in the elections 2024; the meeting was held under a one-point agenda,” and it was decided to combine the voices against the “brazen rigging.”

Qaiser went on to say that other political groups that thought the “elections were rigged” were in communication with the PTI. “The people of Pakistan will now be heard in decision-making; it will no longer be done in closed rooms,” he continued.

Also Read: Election Results: PTI-Backed Independent Candidates Leading the Polls

After the general elections, he lamented the nation’s continued political instability. He called for countrywide protests to take place tomorrow and urged everyone to take part in them.

The PTI leader asserted that although his party won more than 170 seats in the National Assembly, “our mandate was stolen.” He went on, “We will keep up the fight to give people their basic rights and stabilize democracy.”

JI Central Naib Ameer Liaqat Baloch, on his part, stated that his organization will keep in touch and have discussions with the PTI in the future. He declared, “I believe that whichever party protests against this rigged election, we will welcome them.”

It is important to note that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) extended an invitation to Jamat-e-Islami (JI) to establish a coalition government in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP).

The party noted that, during this trying period for the party, it welcomes PTI-backed candidates who have won the polls and extends to them guarantees of constitutional and parliamentary protection as well as respect for the public’s mandate.

The leader of JI stated, “The PTI welcomed this but made it clear in the end that they only wanted a coalition for the government in KP.”

“JI has decided that coalition with PTI at the national level would be in the national interest, but if the PTI has changed its position, then they can settle their affairs with whoever they want in KP,” Baloch added.

Uncertainty looms over Pakistan’s political future as none of the major political parties – PML-N, PPP, or the PTI-backed independent candidates – secured a simple majority in the National Assembly in the February 8 general elections. To win 169 seats in the 336-member lower house of parliament, political players were forming coalitions.

Throughout the process of announcing the results, independent candidates supported by the PTI maintained their advantage over conventional political parties in the general elections of 2024, particularly in the National and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assemblies.

As of now, results have been released, and 101 seats have been won by independent candidates. It is noteworthy that nine of these 101 independent candidates are general independents, and 92 of them have the backing of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf.

With 75 seats, the PML-N is in second place, while the PPP has gained 54 seats. Seventeen constituencies were gained by the MQM-P, four by the JUI-F, three by the PML-Q, and two each by the IPP and BNP.

Here, it is important to note that Imran Khan, the founder of the PTI, dismissed the idea of creating a coalition government with the PML-N, PPP, or Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Pakistan (MQM-P).


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