PTI Reveals Plan C for Elections 2024 After ‘Batsman’ Rejection

News Desk5 months ago

Founder of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and former PM Imran Khan, announced the preparation of a Plan C for the upcoming general elections scheduled for February 8, 2024.

Addressing the media at Adiala Jail, the former Prime Minister expressed concern over what he referred to as the “London Plan,” asserting that democracy is being undermined. He highlighted instances of PTI affiliates being detained despite the commencement of the election campaign, emphasizing the imprisonment of women and children in connection with the May 9 incidents.

Imran Khan declared, “Our Plan C is ready. They will be astonished on February 8.”

Responding to a question about PTI leader Sher Afzal Marwat, Khan characterized the lawyer as emotional but acknowledged his active role in the party. He claimed to have communicated to former army chief Gen (r) Qamar Javed Bajwa that a free and fair election is imperative.

Furthermore, Khan insisted on the live broadcast of the jail trial in the cipher case, stating, “I want the nation to be aware of what is transpiring.”

How ECP’s Plan B Rejection Affected PTI General Elections?

The party’s last recourse, the electoral symbol ‘bat,’ has also been relinquished, with PTI withdrawing the petition against the election commission. Despite attempts to secure the ‘batsman’ symbol as a Plan B, this plan failed within a short span.

The Election Commission of Pakistan’s (ECP) decision to deny the party the ‘batsman’ symbol may, ironically, benefit PTI in the days ahead. Discussions on social media regarding the election symbols allocated to PTI candidates are ongoing, with candidates receiving symbols reserved for independent candidates nationwide.

Delivering the symbol to each candidate poses a significant challenge, and the constitutional and legal ramifications of contesting elections without a symbol are problematic.

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Political rivals of PTI believe that the withdrawal of the electoral symbol has paved the way for them, as neither the influential figures nor the party symbol exist anymore. Speculations suggest that, in the current situation, it will be challenging for PTI to place polling agents at every station, ensuring fair and free polling.

What is PTI’s Plan C Revealed by Imran Khan?

This plan’s specifics and its impact on the upcoming political scenario need exploration. It’s crucial to assess the magnitude of PTI’s loss after losing the ‘bat’ symbol. A survey conducted in various constituencies indicates that this loss has adversely affected PTI.

PTI asserts that, with three weeks left until the elections, it has devised a procedure to inform voters about the new electoral symbol and candidates through traditional and non-traditional methods.

If PTI successfully informs its voters, the next challenge, particularly in Punjab, will be deploying polling agents capable of facing resistance at polling stations.

Under Plan C, PTI’s candidates contesting as independents will announce their intention to join PTI if successful. Although the ‘bat’ symbol has been taken away, PTI has not been barred from contesting polls.

Legal experts suggest that these independent candidates cannot be prevented from joining the party based on ECP records. According to election rules, the successful candidate is given three days to join a political party after the announcement of results.

Despite facing challenges, PTI remains resilient, resisting instead of retreating. While the political landscape post-elections appears unfavorable, with potential legal and political chaos, PTI’s persistence ensures its continued presence in the political scene despite the loss of the election symbol.

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