PML-N Reveals ‘Pakistan Ko Nawaz Do’ Election Manifesto

News Desk5 months ago
PML-N Reveals 'Pakistan Ko Nawaz Do' Election Manifesto

In a highly anticipated move, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader Nawaz Sharif, revealed the party’s comprehensive election manifesto in Lahore on Saturday. With the upcoming February 8 polls looming, Sharif emphasized the manifesto’s focus on revitalizing the country’s economy and empowering the youth.

During the event, Sharif underscored the significance of the economy within the manifesto, describing it as the cornerstone of PML-N’s agenda. Despite facing political challenges and his own ousting as prime minister in 2017, Sharif expressed optimism about the party’s prospects in the upcoming elections.

Promising a departure from the status quo, Sharif criticized the previous government’s handling of economic affairs, asserting that under his leadership, measures would be taken to alleviate inflation and stimulate development.

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Key highlights of the PML-N manifesto include pledges to provide affordable electricity, with plans for a significant increase in production through both traditional and renewable sources. Additionally, the party aims to enhance youth representation in politics and bolster initiatives for youth entrepreneurship and skill development.

Addressing foreign policy, the manifesto advocates for peace-building efforts with neighboring countries while reiterating concerns over the situation in India-occupied Kashmir. Moreover, the party promises stringent measures against terrorism and commits to combatting climate change.

In a bid to address a wide range of societal issues, the manifesto outlines plans for water management, economic growth through exports, and initiatives to support minority rights, agriculture modernization, and women’s empowerment.

Maryam Nawaz, PML-N’s Senior Vice President, echoed the sentiment that the manifesto is tailored to address the pressing challenges faced by the masses. Speaking at a rally in Abbottabad, she emphasized the party’s commitment to fulfilling its promises if entrusted with power.

With less than two weeks remaining until the polls, the unveiling of the PML-N’s manifesto adds depth to the electoral discourse, setting the stage for a robust debate on policy priorities and the future direction of Pakistan.

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