Lahore Development Project Gets Green Light from Chief Minister Maryam

News Desk4 weeks ago

Today, the Chief Minister presided over a special meeting in Lahore when the idea was presented. A Project Management Unit has been formed, overseen by the Chief Minister. Within 10 months, development work in six Lahore city zones would be completed in the first phase. Over 74 billion rupees will be spent on this development project. Prior to this, the Nawaz Sharif Information Technology (IT) city project in Lahore was officially opened by the Chief Minister (CM) of Punjab.

Nawaz Sharif lay the groundwork for the IT City initiative, and the first IT City was opened in just two and a half months, according to Chief Minister of Punjab Maryam Nawaz. She said that the 853-acre IT city project, which is simultaneously developing a Knowledge City and a Film City, will be tax-free for the next ten years. She noted that there is a lot of interest from big IT companies in the Nawaz Sharif IT City and that several colleges would construct campuses in Knowledge City.

Read more:Lahore Faces Shortage of Anti-Tetanus Injections

The government will also provide amenities to investors. She pledged to see to it that Pakistan’s youth were given financial empowerment.

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