Free Breakfast for Schoolchildren in Sindh

News Desk4 months ago

The governor announced the creation of the “Governor’s Initiative for Free Breakfast for Students” during an event held in Karachi. The initiative’s goal is to give government school students free breakfast.

According to Kamran Tessori, a survey found that poverty and inflation prevent many youngsters in Sindh from eating breakfast; some go without milk for two years and without eggs for six months.

Tessori reported that no student

The governor further declared that the project will be implemented in other regions of Sindh in addition to Karachi. Additionally, a website will be developed to allow schools to sign up for the scheme.

Tessori further expressed gratitude to philanthropist Bashir Farooqui, Chairman of Saylani Welfare Trust, and MQM-P Chairman Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui for their support of the effort. According to him, the Governor’s House is constantly taking on new projects, such as offering security and IT education.

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Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui, for his part, emphasised the urgent need for improvements in education, pointing out that 25 to 30 million children in Pakistan lack access to an education.

will now go school without breakfast, and that there are presently about 50,000 kids registered in the Governor’s House IT project. He continued, “The initiative will be phased in and launched in 100 government schools initially.”

He said that 55 million youngsters are enrolled in schools and that youth make up 60% of Pakistan’s population. He expressed optimism that the educational system will be much enhanced by including the 30 million youngsters who are not enrolled in school at the moment.

Siddiqui expressed gratitude to Governor Tessori for approving the federal government’s emergency plan for Sindh’s education. He claimed that feeding impoverished children breakfast would lighten their load, lessen poverty, and boost school attendance.


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